November 17, 2023 – March 29, 2024
Maggie Jensen holds a BFA in art history from Massachusetts College of Art & Design, and an MFA in visual art from the University of Chicago. She is a recipient of a 2019-2020 Humanities Teaching Fellowship in the Visual Arts at the University of Chicago, and a 2020-2022 Core Program Fellowship at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. This fall, she will be a visiting artist at Anderson Ranch Arts Center, CO, and in the spring of 2023 will attend the NARS International Artist Residency Program in Brooklyn, NY.

In Attitudes of Humility, Jensen presents a new ensemble of works, conceived for the caged exhibition space at MoHA, facilitated by Cage Match Project. The installation strategically combines three sculptural concepts: the “model”, the “index”, and the “found object”, all within the framework of the art-historical Land Art genre. Employing a post-minimalist perspective, Jensen considers how formal repetition can reinforce inherited, restrictive systems of meaning making and influence. Here, each sculpture presents a version of piping used in commercial infrastructures. The works staged on raised platforms, gesture to both the construction of landscape and landscape under construction.
Maggie Jensen In each of her installations, Jensen becomes involved in different systems or aesthetics of authority, whether the art institution, a natural history archive, or extractive resource infrastructures. She makes requests of a cultural archive or government agency to access data about particular objects. The process informs artworks that reveal the paths and limits of the internal logics of these institutions.
Cage Match Project (CMP) is a temporary site-specific art installation series in which selected artists are invited to engage a large, industrial caged-trailer. Measured at 20 ft x 8 ft x 7 ft, the weathered and rusted container resides in the exterior lot of The Museum of Human Achievement in Austin, TX where it is under constant exposure to the elements and 24-hour public viewership. CMP is curated by Aryel René Jackson.
Installation materials consist of unaltered HDPE industrial culvert pipe; platforms of cement board and wood: cast concrete of water main casings broken by extreme heat-related pressure; a curved wall mapped with a reproduced constellation used by artist Nancy Holt in the 1976 landwork Sun Tunnels.